John Clare Writings

Monthly Archives: July 2013


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R.E.M. were right in the place of youth, that very zone. In the drift of sweet melancholy where there are youth suicides. I think I’m losing my religion. It’s the end of the world as we know it. I hope I die before I grow old, to quote someone else. That place. Not teenagers but […]

The Golf Pro

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If you walk along the clifftops from Maroubra to La Perouse on Botany Bay you will skirt four golf clubs, or just walk through them if no one is teeing off. The last one is the Royal something or other and I’d never gone very close to it before. When I did a compound of […]


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At Bronte the beach was closed. There was a sign: DANGEROUS CURRENTS. Did I go in? Well, yes. First I went with my mask, snorkel and flippers into the shallow, rock-corralled water down the steel ladder beside the swimming pool. The gap where I would usually slip under broken waves into the open sea is […]


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Cumulus cloud is like a boiling turmoil frozen, but when it is as vast as those round piled shapes looming against the clear blue skies of early winter, monumentality replaces any sense of movement, arrested or otherwise. There is one gigantic cumulus above my backyard now and others further away. Above it are cirrus, stretched […]

Contrary Motion in Darlinghurst Road

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Everything had been going wrong for some time and through it all the pain of a break-up persisted when I slid into a cab on Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross. It was night and the footpaths were thronged. He was going the wrong way for me but I told him to run on to Macleay Street, […]